SPM Exam Preparation Session Malaysia

In the Chemistry pre-recorded video courses, you will get :

✅Detailed teaching lessons using virtual whiteboard
✅Notes are provided in pdf form
✅Tutorials and Answers on some common SPM questions and state papers
✅Step by step video solution to guide student on how to solve those tutorials
✅Discussion board for students to ask questions if they

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  对于中四化学线上课程,学生将获得: ✅使用虚拟白板进行详细的教学课程 ✅笔记以 pdf 形式提供 ✅YouTube 回放 ✅一些常见 SPM 问题和论文的教程和解答 ✅分步视频解决方案指导学生如何解决这些教程
Form 5 *Chemistry* online live class Mandarin (中文解说)
日期: 星期五
时间: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
讲师: Mr Martin

开课时间: *1st March 2024*


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>>This class will be conducted in ENGLISH.

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Vgrow Edu